Thursday, May 8, 2008

Spiritual dimension

I think that the author thinks that there's no such things as religion. He didn't mention about people believing in God or asking God for help when they are in trouble. If he really thinks that there is no such thing as religion, then i disagree with him. I believe that God exist and he is the creator of the universe. he is our one and only God only he can save us.

book review

The invisible man is a well written book by H.G.Wells. This story is about an invisible man who used his invisiblelity to get money.He wrapped himself with bandages and wore a jacket , hat and sunglasses as a disguise so that people won't know that he is invisible. However, one day , he was discovered that he was invisible and people found out that he weny to steal. So, he had no choice but to leave the town on the way to find shelter and food, he met a guy called Mr Mavvel. He threatened Mr Mavvel to help him. Sick of being threatened and doing bad things, Mr Mavvel told the police everything about the invisible man. Meanwhile, the invisible man found Dr Kemp. He is a guy from his college and he knew him. He thought that with the help of Dr Kemp, they would be invinsible and no one can stop them. The invisivle man trusted Dr Kemp very much. He told Dr Kemp why he wanted to be invisible and how.But Dr Kemp doesn't like the invisible man the the fact that he murders people very easily. So, he went to tell the police about him, just like Mr Mavvel. In the end, the invisible man was caught. In this book, he used very impressive writting to describe the action of the characters and he describe the characters emotion very well. I can depict it from my mind as if i was watching the movie. I would recommend this book to people who liked mystery, adventure. It is a well- written book.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

This website contains all the invisible man chapters.
This website contains all the information about the book. For example the characters, plot summary and more.
This website contains comments and sumary of the book.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Interview with the invisible man

Interview with the invisible man.

1.) How does it feel like being invisible?

- Well , there is advantages and disadvantages. The advantages are people won't know where you are even when you are just standing right beside them , so you can just do things without people knowing. The disadvantages are you can't wear clothes and during winter, you will be very cold. You will have to walk with bare foot and you will starve and sleepy because you can't find a shelter. It's not easy to be an invisible , you know?

2.) If you were so smart to make yourself invisible, why wouldn't you make yourself visible again?

- Well. i still want to continue robbing people rather than work for money myself and being invisible, as long as you be careful, people won't know you exist or know what are you doing and i won't get in trouble when i steal things or murder people.

3.) Do you feel lonely?

Yes , of course . To be invisible, people won't know that you exist which means that you can't make friends. And people won't believe in things such as the invisible man, people will think that they hear things or they are mad. But i don't mind, as long as i can survive. I don't need friends . I don't trust anyone .

4.) Do you think that you can be invisible for the rest of your life?

I think i could if i wanted to. If i can make myself invisible, ie can make myself visible toos. But depends on whether i want it or not. Maybe when i'm sick and tired of being invisible, i will become visible again.

5.)Do you think that what you are doing now is right?

No, but i dun care . Like i have told you, as long as i can survive, i don't mind killing people.

6.) Are you afraid that you will be caught one day?

Not really, i'm smart and invisible. Those police would not be able to catch me. They can't even see me !

7.) Have you thought of selling the formula to another person and earn money without killing or rob people?

That haven't came across my mind. It's another way to earn money but i enjoy being invisible and i don't want anyone to have this ability too because i'm the one who created it and i'm suppose to be the only one to know.

8.) What was your first impression of Doctor Kemp?

I thought that he could be my partner and together we can do better and i thought that i could trust him. But in the end, i was wrong.

9.)Will you trust anyone else ?

After Mr. Kemp , no. I won't trust anyone else anymore. I trusted Mr. Kemp but he betrayed me. I'm not going to trust anyone else anymore.

10.)If you had a chance to go back to the past, will you still want to make yourself invisible and do the things you had done?

Yes, because that's the only way to get money so easily and i'm so smart, why waste my intelligence and not invent something that no one else can?

Saturday, April 26, 2008


Mr. Heelas was aware that something was amiss in Kemp's house. He know that it was the invisible man's doing. He didnt allow Kemp to come in when Kemp asked him for help. So, Kemp ran away. Suddenly, he grabbed the invisible man. Finally, they managed to grab hold of him and caught him .


The invisible man sent a letter to Kemp, saying that he is going to die today. He had been thinking about the content of the letter, thinking if what the invisible man said was true. Suddenly,Adye told Kemp that his sevant has been killed. The invisible man threatened Adye to ask Kemp to open the door. But he refused, so the invisible man killed Adye. Kemp told the police about the invisible man and told him that Adye was killed by him.


Everyone is preventing the invisible man to go into their house. They locked their door. The invisible man killed Wicksteed.