Sunday, April 27, 2008

Interview with the invisible man

Interview with the invisible man.

1.) How does it feel like being invisible?

- Well , there is advantages and disadvantages. The advantages are people won't know where you are even when you are just standing right beside them , so you can just do things without people knowing. The disadvantages are you can't wear clothes and during winter, you will be very cold. You will have to walk with bare foot and you will starve and sleepy because you can't find a shelter. It's not easy to be an invisible , you know?

2.) If you were so smart to make yourself invisible, why wouldn't you make yourself visible again?

- Well. i still want to continue robbing people rather than work for money myself and being invisible, as long as you be careful, people won't know you exist or know what are you doing and i won't get in trouble when i steal things or murder people.

3.) Do you feel lonely?

Yes , of course . To be invisible, people won't know that you exist which means that you can't make friends. And people won't believe in things such as the invisible man, people will think that they hear things or they are mad. But i don't mind, as long as i can survive. I don't need friends . I don't trust anyone .

4.) Do you think that you can be invisible for the rest of your life?

I think i could if i wanted to. If i can make myself invisible, ie can make myself visible toos. But depends on whether i want it or not. Maybe when i'm sick and tired of being invisible, i will become visible again.

5.)Do you think that what you are doing now is right?

No, but i dun care . Like i have told you, as long as i can survive, i don't mind killing people.

6.) Are you afraid that you will be caught one day?

Not really, i'm smart and invisible. Those police would not be able to catch me. They can't even see me !

7.) Have you thought of selling the formula to another person and earn money without killing or rob people?

That haven't came across my mind. It's another way to earn money but i enjoy being invisible and i don't want anyone to have this ability too because i'm the one who created it and i'm suppose to be the only one to know.

8.) What was your first impression of Doctor Kemp?

I thought that he could be my partner and together we can do better and i thought that i could trust him. But in the end, i was wrong.

9.)Will you trust anyone else ?

After Mr. Kemp , no. I won't trust anyone else anymore. I trusted Mr. Kemp but he betrayed me. I'm not going to trust anyone else anymore.

10.)If you had a chance to go back to the past, will you still want to make yourself invisible and do the things you had done?

Yes, because that's the only way to get money so easily and i'm so smart, why waste my intelligence and not invent something that no one else can?

Saturday, April 26, 2008


Mr. Heelas was aware that something was amiss in Kemp's house. He know that it was the invisible man's doing. He didnt allow Kemp to come in when Kemp asked him for help. So, Kemp ran away. Suddenly, he grabbed the invisible man. Finally, they managed to grab hold of him and caught him .


The invisible man sent a letter to Kemp, saying that he is going to die today. He had been thinking about the content of the letter, thinking if what the invisible man said was true. Suddenly,Adye told Kemp that his sevant has been killed. The invisible man threatened Adye to ask Kemp to open the door. But he refused, so the invisible man killed Adye. Kemp told the police about the invisible man and told him that Adye was killed by him.


Everyone is preventing the invisible man to go into their house. They locked their door. The invisible man killed Wicksteed.


Kemp told Adye abotu the invisible man, they tried to come up with aa plan to catch the man. He told Adye everything the invisible man need and told him that he is coming after for the books.


He wanted to find Marvel and get back the books. Killing is a must for him. But Kemp didn't want to. He tried to lock the invisible man up but he's gone.


And he continued his story. He went into a man's house. He killed the person and robbed him. Kemp felt sorry for the man.


In this chapter, he continued telling stories. He told Kemp how he get throught the night in the department store.


In this chapter, he told Kemp how he was not used to being invisible and how people reacted when they felt someone was there, but they didn't see any.


The invisible man started to trust Kemp. He told him how he got invisible and why. The invisible man made himself invisible to rob money. He even robbed his father's money. In the end, his father shot himself but the invisible man don't feel sorry for him. The invisible man tried the drug on a cat, and in the end it failed. One day the landlords were trying to get him to pay but he didn't. So, he drank the drugs. And slowly, he became invisible. Before he left, he burnt the house.

Friday, April 25, 2008


Kemp went to ask Griffin what happened that could make him so angry that he lose his temper. Kemp was trying to make Griffin to tell him what had happened to him. Griffin told him how he got invisible. Griffin made himself invisible because he wants to rob people's money, he even robbed his father's money but his father shot himself and died.

Thursday, April 24, 2008


Kemp still found it difficult to believe that there is such things as an invisible man . He thought about this for a very long time. He spent all night thinking if he has gone mad.


The invisible man found Kemp . The invisible man is called Griffin. He was in the same college as Kemp. He wanted Kemp to work with him. Griffin told him everything that happened . At first Kemp doesn't believe that he made himself invisible, but after awhile, he finally believed.

The Jolly Cricketers

Mr. Marvel went for help . He told the barman that the invisible man threatened him that he will kill Mr. Marvel if he give him the slip . They locked all the door but there is one door that is unlocked . They thought that the invisible man is inside. They used knives to feel his body.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

The man who was running

This chapter introduced a new character, Doctor Kemp. He didn't believe that there is such things such as the invisible man.

At Port Stowe

Mr. Marvel was sitting down on a bench with the three books on his hands, suddenly a man talked to him. He was holding a newspaper, and telling Mr. Marvel about the invisible man. But Mr. Marvel argued with him that there is no such things such as the invisible man.

Mr. Marvel discusses his resignation

The invisible man and Mr. Marvel were on the way to Bramblehurst. Mr. Marvel was carrying the three heavy books, he was telling the invisible that he want to quit, but the invisible man threathened him. Now the invisible man shall place his hands on his invisible hands on Mr. Marvel's shoulder to prevent him from doing anything that would harm him.

The invisible man loses his temper

The invisible man was furious, he started to fight , break things. After a while, he vanished from Iping. He was neither heard or felt.

In the coach and horses

This chapter is abouot explaining what happened in the inn. Mr. Cuss and Mr. Bunting wanted to find out more about the invisible man. So they went back to the room, they examined his garments and those books. The books were his diary but it didn't indicate who he was, it was written in greek and there are also a lot of mathematical formula. Suddenly, the invisible man appeared again, threatening them to give him back his garment and books and give him shelter and food.

Mr. Marvel's visit to Iping

Strange things started to happen in the town. The stranger (Thomas Marvel) went to the same inn as the invisible man. Mr. Hall thought that he looked suspicious and suspected that he is a thief.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008


The invisible man talked to Mr. Thomas Marvel , as they were talking , Mr. Thomas Marvel realized that he was talking to himself as there were no one there but he heard a voice talking to him. He thought that he was drunk . But the invisible man told him that he was invisible. Mr. Thomas Marvel didn't believe it at first. The invisible man gave Mr. Thomas Marvel a job. That is to help him find clothes and shelter.


This is a very short chapter. It is about a guy who is just relaxing and heard someone but didn't see anyone there. He was very scared.

Monday, April 21, 2008


The stranger haven't paid the bills yet. And Mrs. Hall was quite angry about it. After an argument with Mrs. Hall, the stranger showed her his true indentity. He was invisible! Everyone who saw was shocked. He was the wanted man.He was the burglar. After some struggling, the stranger finally surrender. But he tricked everyone, he tried to run away. Everyone started to chase after him but in the end , he managed to get away.


Mr. and Mr.s Hall went in into the stranger's room and saw alot of clothes and bandages lying around. But a strange thing happen, suddenly, the clothes gathered themselves, thrown itself to the bottom rail as if there is someone doing that but no one is there! And suddenly a chair hit Mrs. Hall by itself! Mrs. Hall thought that it was the spirit who did all those things.

Sunday, April 20, 2008


There was a urglary at the vicarage. Mrs. Bunting heard someone going into her room and walking but she didn't see anyone there. Mr. and Mrs. Bunting went to see who was the theif but they didn't see anyone there. But their money was gone! And they heard someone walking across the room which they are in but they wasn't anyone there!


Mrs Hall constantly saw the stranger working, always busy. He don't go to church. He doesn't go out during the daylight. But at night, he will go out and walk on those paths that no one will go. The stranger became a topic in the town, they were guessing the stranger's identity. Some of them thinks that he is a criminal who just escaped from jail and wrapped himself up to cover his face so that other people won't know how he looked like. Cuss was very curious about his identity so he decided to check him out. But when he came out of the room, he was shocked. He thought that he was an insane person because he saw that the stranger has no arms but he can feel the stranger's arm. People didn't believe him.


The stranger's bag contained a lot of books , boxes and cases. Fearenside's dog saw the stranger attacked him. Mr. Hall was concerned about him , then he went up to the stranger's room.
He saw a handless arm waving towards him and slammed the door. Fearenside told them that when the dog bitten the stranger, he saw that the stranger's leg was very black. He thought that the stranger was a half-breed and was ashamed of his skin color.

Mr Teddy Henfrey's first impression

This chapter is about Mr Teddy Henfrey went to fix the clock in the stranger's room . He thought that the stranger is a wanted man because the stranger is covered with bandages to hide his face and he don't have a name. The next day , the stranger's luggage arrived. Mr. Halls is curious of what is inside th bag.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

The Strange Man's Arrival

The Strange Man's Arrival
The chapter 1. of this story is about a strange man who is wrapped around with bandage from head to toe coming into an inn, and Mrs. Halls, the owner of the inn, serving him. She was very curious about why he had bandages all over his body.

This is H.G. Wells. The author of "The Invisble Man". He is well known for his science fiction novels "The Time Machine","The War of The Worlds","The Invisible Man","The First Man in The Moon","The Island of Dr Moreau.